Mr. Romeo Miguel
Mr. Romeo Miguel from Honolulu, Hawaii, joined the Army shortly after graduation from high school and retired as an SFC in 1996. Currently serves as the Recruiting Operations Officer for the Army ROTC at University of California, Los Angeles. He graduated from Park University, Parkville, Missouri with a bachelor’s degree in management and Information System.
He previously served as the Human Resources Assistant for the Army ROTC, University of California, Los Angeles. He also served as the Administrative Assistant to Commander of the Yuma Proving Ground in Arizona and as an Administrative Assistant to the IV Administrative Judicial Region Judge in San Antonio, Texas.
Assignments while in the Army includes: Personnel Administrative Center Supervisor, 2nd Battalion, 17th Field Artillery Brigade, Fort Sill, Oklahoma; Administrative Assistant to the Commander, United States Army Garrison, Fort Shafter, Hawaii; Personnel Administrative Center Supervisor, 1st Battalion, 6th Air Defense Artillery Brigade, Fort Bliss, Texas; Platoon Sergeant, 261st Personnel Service Company, Germany.
Military award and decorations include the Meritorious Service Medals, Army Commendation Medals, Army Achievement Medals, Army Good Conduct Medals, National Defense Service Medal, Noncommissioned Officer’s Professional Service Ribbon, Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon, and German Armed Forces Marksmanship Badge in Gold.